Winter on The Islands

Winter on The Islands

We walked across the ice to get here, there is an old tradition of Islanders skating on the lagoons when they freeze over. As a general rule if you see people skating your probably fine walking across the ice. But be cautious.

Hubble warms up by the fire. 

Hubble warms up by the fire. 

A fire is a nice touch when it's freezing, I'm always careful to keep it small and under control. 

A fire is a nice touch when it's freezing, I'm always careful to keep it small and under control. 

Enroute, we are walking a regular canoe route of ours

Enroute, we are walking a regular canoe route of ours

Walkin, This area is close to Algonquin Island and sees a lot of skating traffic

Walkin, This area is close to Algonquin Island and sees a lot of skating traffic

Flash freeze! Super cool!  It's hard to capture how cool it is to stand on this giant sheet of ice in a photo

Flash freeze! Super cool!  It's hard to capture how cool it is to stand on this giant sheet of ice in a photo

Secret Blog

I've decided to start this secret blog about my trips to the Toronto island with my dog Hubble on our Canoe Boaty McBoatface. I've found spending time on the island to be healing and wanted to document my adventure.  If I share this with you please don't share it with anyone else before asking me. I appreciate it.

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Here's Hubble enjoying the ride over.

Here's Hubble enjoying the ride over.

Google image of islands / X marks the spot where Boaty McBoatface lives 

Google image of islands / X marks the spot where Boaty McBoatface lives